10 November 2006

Friday Five

Kudos to DittoHeston for actually manufacturing a reason for me to write something!
Here's a new Friday Five:

1. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
  • This is such a dynamic category because my pet peeves change hourly and they all seem equally important... I would have to say that the one that comes to the surface the most often is biased journalism. Seriously, if you're going to be a reporter - report. If you're going to be a commentator - then you can make comments.

2. What fashion faux-pas do you see frequently that makes you want to sign the victims/perpetrators up for “What Not To Wear”?

  • Baltimore Ravens jerseys... All that Purple. Why?

3. What hideously inappropriate act or comment have you recently witnessed?

  • Well, I saw "Borat" last week and I really don't know which part to choose... it would probably be when he returned to the dinner table at a social club in Georgia with a bag of poo. This was probably the least funny scene in the movie for me... until he had the call girl show up for desert.

4. What’s more important - table manners or driving etiquette? (Not driving safety, just etiquette - like waving when someone lets you merge in front of them or not honking at 5:00 AM when driving through a neighborhood.)

  • Driving etiquette: Hands down... mostly because I feel like if someone's table manners are that poor, I'll usually have the opportunity to help correct them because it's someone I know and I feel like I can approach people in a way that doesn't seem judgemental, just helpful. When someone doesn't acknowledge that I was kind enough to let them merge in front of me in traffic, the only recourse I have is to judge them as inconsiderate... this causes me to lose a little faith in humanity.

5. If you were producing a PSA for a local TV station, what would the topic be and which celebrity would fulfill their community service sentence by starring in it?

  • Ray Lewis telling Baltimoreans that using him as a role model will only lead to a life in prison.