26 June 2006

What a throwaway today was...

Obviously I have a sixth sense. I woke up today with a nervous feeling in my stomach and I couldn't help but think that something bad had happened to my car. Perhaps that nervous feeling was entirely due to the fact that I realize that if my car were to break, or otherwise find itself in need of major repair, I would pretty much be up shit's creek without so much as a financial bathing suit (pause to take in the visual) and this causes me oodles of stress on a regular basis. This may very well be the case and I would love to think that when I worry it's usually at a time when I have nothing to worry about. It would have been nice to go out to my car this morning to find that it was in the same fair condition in which I left it on Saturday morning. Alas, the bastards would not let that be. Some jagoff (and I use the term jagoff with the utmost contempt) must have thought it was appropriate... nay, absolutely necessary to break my driver's side mirror. I didn't notice at first because it's only the mirror that's broken, not the plastic casing, but when I sat down in the car I noticed that it looked like there was a ticket on my windshield. Oh, it wasn't a ticket but it was from the police. Apparently, they made an arrest and what they placed on the windshield of my car was the broken mirror (on which I subsequently cut my thumb) along with a form they give to victims of crimes which had written across the top "We Made and Arrest." WOW! You made an arrest?!! How about leaving me the information for the sonofabitch who owes me $40 for the mirror that I had to take an extra hour off of work today to go order at the car dealer so that I can take another hour on Thursday to go back to the dealer to have put on the car? Sorry for venting, but I'm ever so pissed and I really think that the only fair punishment for a drunk idiot who thinks it's funny to annoyingly vandalize someone's car in a way that creates a huge blind-spot making it virtually unfit for driving should be to make them eat the shards of broken mirror laying all over the sidewalk.

Before you comment on my use of run-on sentences in this post: It's a rant people... I reserve the right to use ridiculously long, angry sentences.


Anonymous said...

You sound mad....are you mad? That sucks about your car...I hate it when random things run into my car and break stuff.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a helmetless quarterback accidentally ran his motorcycle into the mirror. At least you managed to get a good Simpsons quote in the rant. Nobody upstages Little Vicky!!

Todd said...

I was mad, thanks for noticing. I'm much better today... it's not Monday anymore.

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, the first year I lived in Chicago someone ripped off my radio antenna. Which cost $75 to repair. Talk about a senseless act of vandalism...