07 July 2006

A reason to watch CMT other than reruns of "Surviving Nugent"

All those of you with a PHD (playa-hatin' degree) out there, take notice: Ben Roethlisberger's recovery is going well... extremely well (take that common-sense-helmet-laws!). It's going so well in fact, that in the next week, Ben will be participating in a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, NV and appearing in a music video for a country band that hails from da 'Burgh.

A quick question for Heir Roethlisberger, though... why a country band? Of all the bands from Pittsburgh, it had to be a country band? I mean, where's Donnie Iris? At the very least, he could try and help out The Clarks Band a little. I'll never understand America's fascination with country and western music... with a few notable, hot, female artist, exceptions.


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