27 July 2006

What the hell happened?: Too HOTT for TV edition

Because more Americans get their news from me, than from any other source, here are my picks for the top five news stories over the last couple of days (actually, I kinda picked these out of thin air):

5. Just when you thought it was safe for a yankee to win a bicycle race in France... think again.

4. When Matt Dillon was making a name for himself as a Drugstore Cowboy (superb movie), noone told him that the purple pills he kept leaving behind could be so profitable.

3. Eldrick (Tiger) Woods won his 11th major championship just outside Liverpool, England... proving yet again that Phil Mickelson is in poor shape.

2. What was that about the middle east?!!! You'll have to speak louder!!! I can't hear you over all of the explosions!!!!!!!

...and easily, the most intriguing and newsworthy story in recent memory!!!

1. Lance Bass + 1 gallon of hair product = Brokeback Boy Band

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