13 October 2006

Friday Five: Why am I Still At Work?! Edition

We're going to try to make this quick... but DittoHeston gave us another Friday Five and I'm too big of a geek not too participate.

1. Which Halloween candy will you run out of before Halloween gets here?

Those little boxes of Nerds that come in a big bag... they go great on anything!

2. What’s the most unnerving weather phenomenon you’ve witnessed this fall?

Baltimore has boring weather. I'm a little unnerved by the 2 feet of snow they got in Buffalo last night, but I'm nowhere near Buffalo so that probably doesn't count. We had rain in Baltimore the other day... is that interesting? No? Sorry, I got nothing for this one.

3. What’s the best laugh you’ve had this week?

Same as every week: The entire half hour on Thursday nights when The Office is on.

4. Which new TV show of the Fall 2006 season are you enjoying the most?

NBC has some real winners this year. Heroes is probably edging out Friday Night Lights at this point, and 30 Rock has only had one great episode (not really fair to compare it to the others). Does NBC Sunday Night Football count? Because that definitely takes the crown if it does.

5. What’s the worst cold-weather fashion trend you’ve seen this fall?

Complaining about the cold. Seriously, we've had absolutely zero COLD days here in Baltimore so far and yet people are already complaining about a chill in the air. That's the fashionable thing to do in this part of the country when it dips below 70 degrees... complain about the cold. It makes me want to punch the people who do. I can't wait until I get to wear a scarf everyday... I love my scarf.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmm... little boxes of nerds... There's a reason I haven't even bought any this year.