01 March 2008

Ambition is a List in Baltimore

So there's a public radio station in Baltimore that actually plays music (with NPR news podcasts on the hour). It's awesome because they don't have commercial breaks, the dj's just have to take a few seconds between songs to recognize corporate sponsors. A few months ago they asked listeners to submit their top ten favorite albums of all time so they could compile a countdown to coincide with their February fund drive. Last year, they did something similar and had listeners vote for their top ten songs of all time. The result of all these submissions is a list of the top 897 -- last year - songs, this year - albums -- of all time. Why 897? Because WTMD is 89.7 on the dial and they can't very well present 7/10 of a song (maybe an album) on the radio.

Last year, the songs countdown took the commitment of 9 days of radio programming... this year, the albums countdown took the entire month... and it's a LEAP YEAR!

The list of 897 albums is interesting (5 of the albums I voted for made the top 20... ahem) but explain to me how, and I may have glossed over others, only one Van Halen album made it and how that one album (Van Halen - Van Halen) is as low as #280? How does "1984" not make this list? I can't be the only person who voted for it!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of things about this list that don't make sense to me. But there are a LOT of albums listed and it would be hard to think of all the albums you liked and then list them.
