That's right, God is not a Yankee fan or a Cowboy fan. He doesn't root for Manchester United. He's not a Lakers, Red Wings or even a Red Sox fan. And, contrary to what may have been reported in the past, God is most certainly not dead. That being said, don't confuse me for a religious nut. There will be very little about God addressed on this weblog. In fact, if any of you find me getting overtly religious I ask... nay, plead with you to call me out and bring me back to the world of the less crazy. The only "wager"(s) I make will be usually related to a sporting or political event and should have nothing in common with those made by Blaise Pascal. For example, I might say: "I bet Santonio Holmes doesn't make it out of Steelers' training camp," or: "I wager this poll on Ann Coulter will definitely force her to change into a decent human being." These types of discussions are what weblogs should be about. God doesn't care about my blog... he does however have a deep, unending affection for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
This is obviously, the first post on this blog. There will be plenty more. I'll try daily, but can't guarantee. It depends on how busy I get with things like work and drinking. I have resolved to write more lately and figured that there are millions of other amateur writers with annoying opinions out there in cyberspace, so why don't I join them?
Also, I like comments... feel free to share them. But if you're vulgar... well, then you're vulgar and I guess it reflects poorly on your goddam parents.
Mr. Holmes may have a difficult time his first few days in training camp. He may find a few team mates who are real serious about focusing and character.
Not just teammates... the coaching staff, front office, trainers and the hundreds of fans who line the practice fields at St. Vincent college. He'll be walking on eggshells... to put it mildly.
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