I have to admit, I'm excited. Hell, I'm practically giddy in anticipation of the upcoming Superman movie. I mean, I loved the Christopher Reeve franchise but he has been dead for a few years now, and I feel like it's time to move on. He would have wanted it that way.
I'm concerned about some of the casting, though... most notably (and his fan club will probably criticize me for this), I'm concerned about Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. Can he be over-the-top enough? I just don't think he has it in him. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly suprised, but he seems too mellow to really do justice to a character embodied so perfectly by Gene Hackman. Maybe, if we're lucky, Hackman has a cameo... all I want is to hear him make fun of Otis (or a woman named Ms. Teschmacher).
The unfortunate thing is that I have to go to f'ing New Jersey on the 28th for work. If this trip in any way inhibits my ability to see the movie that day, I swear to God I'll take it out on New Jersey. That's right... I'll take a special trip up there, ignore every "jug-handle" and make left hand turns the normal way. I might even pump my own gas! That'll show Jersey not to mess with me... stupid state.
I hope this movie's great. At the very least, I hope it makes my list of top 5 superhero movies (even if it's not better than the one from 1978)... I'm tired of seeing Spiderman on there:
1. Batman Begins
2. Superman
3. Batman
4. X-Men (the first one gets the nod, even though X2 was easily as good a movie)
5. Spiderman
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