This'll be a quick one. I have to look somewhat busy at work in a little bit because there is a client-prospect coming in for a tour of our facilities. Luckily I don't have to meet with them (mostly because I didn't shave today... sorry DittoHeston), but the guy next to me does, so they'll definitely be around here, scrutinizing.
I recently found out that one of my good friends is buying a house in West Virginia. He currently lives and works in northern Virginia, so West Virginia makes sense because it's not too far and the housing prices and taxes should be subterranean in comparison. Thus, I say "good for him." However, being from Pittsburgh originally, I just can't, in good conscience, let this thing happen without posing some of my favorite West Virginia jokes. If you're reading this and you're from West Virginia, please don't shoot me. So here they are:
Q. What do a tornado and a West Virginia divorce have in common?
A. Someone always loses a trailer.
Q. How do you know the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia?
A. If it was invented anywhere else, it would have been called a teethbrush.
Q. What is the West Virginia state flower?
A. The satallite dish!
Q. Why did OJ Simpson want to move to West Virginia?
A. Everyone has the Same DNA.
Q. Did you hear that the governor's mansion in West Virginia burned down?
A. Almost took out the whole trailer park
and my all time favorite West Virginia joke (my Grandfather told me this when I was 10 years old)...
Q. What do West Virginia high school cheerleaders do at halftime of football games?
A. Graze!
and now I have to go get ready to watch the U.S. in the World Cup... I mean work.
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