20 July 2006

At last... Some CLOSURE!!!!

Just in case you had stopped caring, it looks like FIFA finally handed out fines and suspensions to BOTH Zinedine Zidane and his Italian bosom-buddy (zing!) Marco Materazzi.

The Frenchman was fined the equivalent of (US) $6,000 and suspended for 3 French international matches. His Italian counterpart was whacked (count it!) with $4k in fines and a 2 game suspension for provoking Zidane. Apparently verbal insults are exactly two-thirds as heinous as physical assault.

Now that this whole affair seems to be settled, what am I going to blog about?!!! Let's all hope that the Feds indict Barry Bonds for Perjury and Tax Evasion. Wouldn't that just totally make him the Al Capone of the 21st century?

In the wake of "Head-butt Gate 2006" I leave you with this final image... what would happen if Zinedine Zidane came in contact with the Death Star?


Anonymous said...

I don't know about the Death Star thing, but...just out of curiosity, have you paid any attention to the ads (for Jesus and God) that Google is posting on your web page??

Todd said...

I pay no attention to those ads and have no control over them, but you know... the more you click on those ads, the more money I get from Google Adsense. Right now, I see they're about photo websites.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.