It's been a few weeks now since I started this blog and I'm sure that those of you who know me best are just waiting for me to go off on one of my passionate rants about Van Halen - or, as I like to call them, The Greatest American Rock Band... Ever. (sorry Allman Brothers, you're a strong second)
I don't care if other people don't like their music. That's perfectly acceptable... some people don't like to enjoy themselves... but it always gets to me when people aren't able to recognize the impact that Eddie, Alex, Mike, Sammy, and of course Diamond Dave have had on all popular music (rock, rap, country, Paula Abdul, etc...) since the late 1970's.
Eddie Van Halen has always produced on the cutting edge of his profession and, despite the occassional pandering to critics (e.g. Right Now), has managed to influence different styles at different stages of his career on young, aspiring musicians. Now, it appears he is trailblazing yet again... If there is to ever be a porn movie that actually sells more copies of its soundtrack than the actual film, this will be it. Maybe he'll become the John Williams of the porn industry and start racking up "Woodys" like Williams racks up "Oscars."
Seriously, how did someone not think of this before? Porn and heavy metal (or hard rock, if your one of those jerks who refuses to call V-H "heavy metal") go together like peas and... well, peas. This is an absolute brainbuster of an idea and must have Tommy Lee saying to himself "HOW THE F-BOMB COULD I MISS THAT?!!!!!" I guess he and Bret Michaels were too busy starring in pornos to take some initiative and tap (pun intended) the soundtrack market.
Here's to you Edward Van Halen: my person of the week and...
Not like we all really needed another reason to watch.
As if your grandmothers didn't have enough to worry about...
I hope you're kidding about that... I don't think my acknowledgement of pornography as a very lucrative industry (or tongue-in-cheek comments to that effect) should in any way lead people to the conclusion that I endorse it as a part of main stream society. You forget, I am a registered Republican... THERE, now you made me say it! Now EVERYBODY knows! I guess it's ok though, as long as my grandmothers don't worry that I'm a Bible-thumping extremist with no sense of humor. Sheesh!
If you aren't a porn fan, why title the post "Mom, I know what I want for Christmas..."? That leads the reader to believe you're looking to get you some Van Halen-accompanied porn. That's all I'm saying.
And politics has nothing to do with it. Stereotypical male porn appreciation crosses party lines every second.
So- exactly which is it that you want for Christmas...the unnamed porn film OR an autographed copy of that wonderful photo of Eddie van Halen?? I want to be sure I get this right..
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