05 July 2006

Caption Contest

Caption contests are always fun... you know, they're the thing where I give you a picture, and we see who can make up with the best caption to go along with it. Submit your answers in the comments. The winner will be determined by a committee of one (me) and will be announced in one week's time. Check out the picture below and try to come up with a better caption than the one I gave. Happy Wednesday everyone!

The Army goes metrosexual.


Anonymous said...

Joey was dismayed by his school's "no bare midriffs" dress code, but he just couldn't resist wearing his new belly shirt to the pep rally.

Anonymous said...

Oh #%$& - I forgot to use the cold water setting!

Anonymous said...

Joe insisted he was a big boy now and could dress himself.

Anonymous said...

How a gen-Xer will dress when turning 75.