17 August 2006

CBS is getting a little wacky in its old age...

A few months back, CBS further solidified its position as "Your Grandparents' Favorite Network" by replacing the incredibly old Dan Rather with the incredibly oldER Bob Schieffer as interim anchor for the CBS Evening News while the country waits with baited breath for the arrival of the interminably cute (and perky) Katie Couric in September.

By the way... have you ever noticed that the only time Katie Couric isn't grinning from ear-to-ear is when she's trying to make celebrities cry during interviews? She'll probably want to reign that in before she delivers her first report about the latest war in the middle east. Anyway... back to Bob Schieffer and his oldness.

I was watching the CBS Evening News last night and that's a little out of the ordinary for me. I normally watch the NBC news at 6:30 because... you don't care, do you? Long story short, it was a pretty interesting news day and since I missed the NBC news at 6:30, I was stuck watching Bob Schieffer decompose bit by bit at 7:00.

Their final segment covered the news that astronomers have clarified the definition of the word "planet" to officially put an end to the debate over whether or not Pluto should count as one. I had a little chuckle when the reporter used the funny pronunciation of Uranus (you know the one) but the best part came at the very end of the segment when they showed a clip of an interview with the man who first found Pluto (76 years ago). The man was very old, very overweight and very very British... and here's the best part: He was wearing a monacle. It was perfect... he was exactly what I would expect from a 100 year old astronomer. Apparently Bob Schieffer thought he was great too because when CBS cut back to him at the news desk so he could wrap up the show, he was in hysterics.

Through his uncontrollable laughter, he posed this question to the viewers: "When was the last time you saw anbody wearing a monacle?"

My answer: "Why don't you tell us Bob? You're the one who remembers what it was like when Teddy Roosevelt was President."


I'll probably be watching the CBS evening news more often. He really showed me something last night. You never would have seen Dan Rather pull that kind of Crap on the air... he was one of those "there's nothing funny about the news" guys.


Anonymous said...

Ha - you capitalized "Crap" :-)

Todd said...

What? No Uranus jokes?